Revista de Arquitectura accepted for inclusion in SciELO Chile collection
Didactic sequences in the threedimensional field with the manual and digital means interaction
María Cabezas
Codirectora del Grupo de Investigación Geometría, Centro de Estudios de Diseño (CED), Facultad de Arquitectura, niversidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (UNMDP)
The knowledge of the morfo-space phenomena, beyond the rationalized intuition, the operative mechanics, approaches that it are used for its conformation and the instances of geometric and morphological configuration from the field of the visual education, are favored by an integration of manual and digital means in their teaching and learning.
Cabezas, M. (2007). Didactic sequences in the threedimensional field with the manual and digital means interaction. Revista De Arquitectura, 13(15), Pág. 39–44.
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