The political role of legal trials and punishment: An analysis from Hannah Arendt’s philosophy


  • María Soledad Sanhueza Universidad Alberto Hurtado/Universidad Diego Portales


In the following article, a reflection is made based on Hannah Arendt's ideas about the political importance of legal trial conducted in courts, specially after horrible episodes such as dictatorships. The aforementioned importance lies in the fact that legal trial and punishment are moments that are part of the "political reconciliation", which allows the restauration and continued existence of the political life after commiting crimes against the community.


legal trial, punishment, reconciliation, responsibility, Hannah Arendt

Author Biography

María Soledad Sanhueza, Universidad Alberto Hurtado/Universidad Diego Portales

Docente en la Universidad Alberto Hurtado y en la Universidad Diego Portales. Chile. Doctora (c) en Filosofía, mención Filosofía Moral y Política, en la Universidad de Chile. Chile.