This article reviews from a historical perspective the efforts carried out by a network of Chilean women during the last three decades of the nineteenth century, aimed at achieving their right to educate themselves scientifically and professionally. Its focus is on the analysis of publications made by these women in the press, which in turn responds to a rupturist attitude that allowed them to take previously denied spaces for them (science and the press), going beyond the established, and motivating with its actions reforms and deep social changes. The main thesis that develops is that the irruption of women in the Chilean press is completely linked to this network of intellectuals who demanded the right to educate themselves professionally and scientifically. It is postulated that this last conviction was the incentive for them to take that public space, making the press the main tool to achieve their objectives.
Education, science, Women, Press, Chile, 19th Century
Ramírez, V. (2020). The pioneers in demanding scientific education: Science, woman and press in Chile (19th Century). Revista Punto Género, (12), pp. 1–20.