The Argentine crisis in late 2001 led to the collapse the party system within the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, leaving a fragmented and volatile political arena which lasted well into the succeeding political cycle, while the district's main parties either dissolved or fractured, the number of electoral alliances increased, becoming the principal tool for party construction. The paper examines the characteristics of these coalitions and asks what were the consequences for the institutionalization of the party system and for the reconstruction of representative links; the article compares coalitional strategies of the main political forces in the 2003 and 2007 elections in the City of Buenos Aires.
Political parties, coalitions, political representation, Buenos Aires.
Author Biography
Sebastián Mauro, CONICET – Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani. Universidad de Buenos Aires
Mauro, S. (2012). Coalitions without parties: The city of Buenos Aires since the crisis of 2001. Política. Revista De Ciencia Política, 50(1), pp. 145–166.