Juan Pablo Izquierdo, Pittsburgh Period: 1990-2008


  • Marilyn Taft-Thomas Carnegie Mellon University School


This article describes the professional career of Juan Pablo Izquierdo during the eighteen years he held a faculty position in the Carnegie Mellon University School of Music, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It traces his work in building the student orchestra, broadening the impact of the school through international radio and recording projects, creating links between the school and young professional musicians in Chile, and developing the performance and conducting skills of the students with whom he worked. The depth of his legacy is reflected in published reviews of his recordings of contemporary repertoire and in personal comments offered by his former conducting students.


Juan Pablo Izquierdo, Carnegie Mellon University School of Music, Carnegie Mellon Philharmonic Orchestra, advanced degree program in conducting, European and North American avant-garde music of the twentieth century, performance residence program