Normative challenges of the Responsibility to Protect: a theoretical approach from institutionalization to contestation



This article addresses the challenges of the institutional progress of the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) in the United Nations (UN) based on political disputes over normative understandings. It argues that emerging powers from the Global South have sought to shape the norm by promoting a certain kind of interpretation, applying their views in different settings of the organization. Par­ticularly, the author uses the case of China to evaluate whether Beijing uses the R2P concept in other forums than those that specifically tackle the norm to see whether there is a systematic contestation strategy. The article firstly explores the evolution of the norm from institutionalization to contestation in a non-linear process; then it deepens the theoretical normative background to prepare for the case analysis. With regard to the case of China, it focuses on answering three main questions: does China use the R2P concept systematically in the forum on the protection of civilians? If so, how does China use the term, and is there any identified pattern in its position? Finally, does China transfer its norm-shaping behavior made in the R2P discussions to this forum on the protection of civilians? The author uses a combination of interpretive and qualitative content analysis methods to understand China and answer these questions. The article aims to contribute to the understanding of how emerging powers are seeking to expand their norm-shaping behavior systematically at the UN forums.


Responsibility to Protect, Contestation, English School, International Norms, China

Author Biography

Miguel Mikelli Ribeiro, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Academico del Departamento de Ciência Política, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco.

Profesor de Relaciones Internacionales en el Departamento de Ciencia Política de la Universidad Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), desempeñándose en el bacharelado en Ciencia Política y en el Programa de Posgrado en Ciencia Política (PPGCP-UFPE). Es profesor colaborador del Programa de Posgrado en Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad Estatal de Paraíba (PPGRI-UEPB). Doctor en Ciencia Política (en la línea de investigación de política internacional) por la UFPE, con período de intercambio en el Instituto Universitario Europeo (EUI), Florencia (ITA) - bajo la dirección de Jennifer Welsh.


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