The Pacific Alliance, organizational legal aspects and its dispute resolution system



The Pacific Alliance has been abundantly analyzed by international relations, political science and economics, highlighting some elements that characterize it, presenting it as a new phenomenon at the level of integration in Latin America. However, this scheme has not been sufficiently addressed by Law, and by taking charge of this relative vacuum, this work seeks to provide a general view of its organic aspects and its dispute resolution system, comparing what is proposed in this proposal with the experiences, on the subject, that have taken place in other initiatives of integration in force, in order to be able to project the efficiency of their legal dispositions.


Pacific Alliance, Organic aspects, Dispute settlement, Economic integration, Community law

Author Biography

Jaime R. Gallegos Zúñiga, Universidad de Chile

Profesor Asistente del Departamento de Derecho Económico de la Universidad de Chile. Doctor (c) en Derecho (Universidad Complutense de Madrid). Máster en Derecho de los Negocios Internacionales y en Estudios Avanzados en Derecho Financiero y Tributarios  (Universidad Complutense de Madrid).