The Antarctica Treaty System and the promotion of international scientific cooperation: an evaluation of the regime


  • Mônica Heinzalmann Portella de Aguiar Universidad Cândido Mendes


The Antarctic Treaty System (ATS) came into force intending to end litigation and promote scientific cooperation. The regime was originally criticized but managed to gain international recognition. There remains, however, a doubt about its effectiveness in advancing international cooperation. This paper aims to evaluate, through bibliometric analysis and counterfactual tecnique, the effectiveness of the ATS in promoting international scientific cooperation. Using international co-authorship rates of scientific articles as an indicator, a case study was conducted in a scientific journal. The results show that international co-authorship in the journal was superior to the one of science and technology. Despite the inherent limitations of a case study, we concluded that ATS was effective in fulfilling the purpose of promoting international scientific cooperation.


Antarctic Treaty System, Regime evaluation, International scientific cooperation, Bibliometric Analysis, Antarctic productivity

Author Biography

Mônica Heinzalmann Portella de Aguiar, Universidad Cândido Mendes

Economista de la Universidad Cândido Mendes; Máster en Sociología y Política por la Pontificia Universidad Católica; Doctora en Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales en IUPERJ; Profesora asociada en la Universidad Cândido Mendes, e Investigadora del Grupo Internacional de Análisis de Prevención de Conflictos.