Mexico's policy towards America Latina in the 21st century: Congruence and legitimacy?


  • Ana Covarrubias El Colegio de México


Based on the recurring questions about sources of foreign policy, this article analyses the influence of Mexico’s economic and political model in its policy towards Latin America by firstly examining the foreign policy proposals of Vicente Fox’s, Felipe Calderón’s and Enrique Peña Nieto’s governments, and secondly, its congruence and legitimacy regarding free trade, and democracy and human rights. This work argues and concludes that Mexico’s policies, internal and foreign, have been consistent, although not completely so in the political sphere. This congruence does not solve the problem of legitimacy in foreign policy, but suggests that foreign policy has not been illegitimate either.


Mexico, Latin America, democracy, human rights, free trade

Author Biography

Ana Covarrubias, El Colegio de México

Directora, profesora e investigadora del Centro de Estudios Internacionales de El Colegio de México. Obtuvo su doctorado en Relaciones Internacionales por la Universidad de Oxford, Gran Bretaña. Su área de investigación es la política exterior de México, principalmente hacia Cuba y Centroamérica, y los derechos humanos y la política exterior. Estudia también los conceptos de potencia media, emergente, regional, o enterpreneurial powers. En materia de docencia, ha impartido los cursos de Teoría de Relaciones Internacionales, Política Exterior de México, América Latina Contemporánea y Relaciones entre América Latina y Estados Unidos.