Use and abuse of humanism in international law


  • Pablo Antonio Anzaldi Revista Consensos


This paper provides a critical view of the humanist ideology underlying NATO's military actions. It distinguishes between both Kant's and Hegel's idealism and on that basis it suggests a distinction between the historical need for the advancement of law and the misuse of legal discourse. Finally, it points to the need of a new international law that considers the historic breakthrough of emerging nations.


abstract idealism, humanist ideology, international law

Author Biography

Pablo Antonio Anzaldi, Revista Consensos


Candidato a Doctor en Ciencias Políticas( UCA); Magíster en Ciencia Política( Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Beca de Fundación Adenauer); Magíster en Defensa Nacional( Escuela de Defensa Nacional RA), Posgrado en Ciencia Política y Sociología( FLACSO), Licenciado en Ciencia Política( UA JF Kennedy). Integrante del Consejo Editorial de la Revista Consensos.