Is economic growth enough to support democracy? Lessons from the Chilean case


  • Pedro Aravena Lavín Universidad de Hamburgo


This article examines support of democracy in Chile. It uses data from Latinobarómetro, in order to explain why support of democracy is not connected with economic growth. The analysis leads to three main results. First, regardless of the fact that GDP per capita does not seem to affect support of democracy, it does affect individuals' perception regarding economic performance. Second, it proves the importance of trust in Congress when it comes to evaluate the perceptions of democracy. Third, it suggests that adherents to right-wing political leanings do not support the democratic system, which are the most reliable reasons of moderate support to democracy in Chile.


economic growth, support of democracy, political ideology, Latin American, Latinobarometro

Author Biography

Pedro Aravena Lavín, Universidad de Hamburgo

Magíster en relaciones internacionales, Universidad de Chile. Doctor © GIGA Institute of Latin American Studies, Universidad de Hamburgo.