Desarrollo, integración y dependencia en Centroamérica


  • Edelberto Torres Rivas


This work summarizes the analysis of the period that began in 1944, which led to the Central American economic integration project and which is presented as the favorable alternative to constitute a new economic and institutional framework within which it is expected to revitalize the whole society. The most significant economic events are, for this period of time, the emergence of new export products (cotton, meat and sugar) that do not imply a substantial alteration in the structure of foreign trade; the decline of the banana industry and the modification of the conditions in which it operates in the foreign plantation; the emergence of North American capital in the rise of manufacturing industry and finally, a vigorous impulse in inter-Central American trade, which removed the idle capacity of traditional industry.


Central America, Development Policy, Integration, International Economic Relations, Foreign Investment

Author Biography

Edelberto Torres Rivas

Abogado y sociólogo (FLACSO) guatemalteco. Actualmente es miembro del Instituto Latinoamericano de Planificación Económica y Social (ILPES). Es autor de varios trabajos de su especialidad; vgr. Las c1ases sociales en Guatemala (1967); Incorporación de la juventud al mercado de trabajo (1969).