La nueva guerra en Indochina


  • John Gittings


The Vietnamization of the conflict in Southeast Asia has become typically North American and its price is currently too high. There is no intention of taking the obvious path: liquidating the intervention. Nothing in the past year has been officially said or done by the Nixon administration to give the slightest hope that Vietnamization is - as some suppose - the dignified way to leave Vietnam while saving American pride. On the contrary, recent events in both Laos and Cambodia clearly indicate that the United States is moving towards greater intervention throughout the Indochinese peninsula.


Indochina, Southeast Asia, Vietnam War, United States, Nixon Doctrine

Author Biography

John Gittings

Cientista social inglés, ex profesor-investigador de asuntos del Asia del Instituto de Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Chile. Actualmente es investigador del Centro de Estudios Internacionales del London School of Economics. Sus principales publicaciones incluyen: El conflicto chino-soviético (Editorial Universitaria, Santiago de Chile, 1970} El papel del Ejército Popular de Liberación de China (Editorial Universitaria, Santiago de Chile, en prensa).