América Latina y las Antillas Neerlandesas


  • Arnold E. van Niekerk


For some years now, the European powers have been trying to quietly liquidate the last remnants, now almost symbolic, of their colonial past in Latin America. However, when raising the case of the Netherlands Antilles we find ourselves with the paradox that the colonial power represented by the Government of the Netherlands, is willing and even clearly determined to decolonize the colony and that instead the colony does not want to be free. This paradox makes it necessary to reformulate the decolonization problem to reflect the essence of the existing situation and to lead us to a question that will surely continue to be raised in the coming years for several other territories in the Caribbean.


Netherlands Antilles, Netherlands, Caribbean and Latin America, Self-determination, Decolonization

Author Biography

Arnold E. van Niekerk

Es investigador del Instituto Interuniversitario de Estudios y Documentación Latinoamericanos de Holanda. Es autor de Sociologie en sociale verandering  in Latijns Amerika y Populism and political development in Latin America, de próxima aparición. Es colaborador frecuente de Estudios Internacionales.