Relaciones económicas entre Estados Unidos y Latinoamérica : la estructura internacional y algunos enfoques posibles


  • C. Fred Bergsten


The international economic structure of the first postwar generation has evidently dissipated. The previous order collapsed because of the essential changes that were made in its fundamental premises. The most important economic change affecting international relations is the prevalence of inflation as the main economic (and perhaps political) problem of almost all industrial countries. Economic problems are everywhere rising to the top of foreign policy agendas. A tension between efforts to combat inflation and promote economic security will thus constitute an important factor in international economic relations in the years to come. The inferences that the new environment will have for the interests of the United States in Latin America, for Latin America itself and for the relations between the two are considered here, and what will be the position and objectives of the region in this confrontation.


Intenational Economic Relations, United States, Latin America, International Structure, International Monetary System

Author Biography

C. Fred Bergsten

Senior fellow

de la Brookings Institution, Washington, D. C., es autor de varias obras recientes sobre relaciones internacionales, entre las cuales destacan "Toward a new international economic order : selected papers of C. Fred Bergsten, 1972-1974" y "The future of the international economic order : an agenda for research.