The main objective of this paper is to define the place occupied by objective and subjective elements in the definition of aggression. From a political point of view, the greater or lesser importance that is assigned to these elements will lead to a new analysis of the conditions of the aggression and its verification. Instead, the preference for one of the elements will lead us legally to problems related to the basis of liability and the nature and extent of the interpretation. The preponderance of the objective or subjective element in the definition of aggression will lead us, in a strictly legal dimension, to a series of problems that are related to the basis of international responsibility and that affect in some way the nature of the interpretation. Finally, the criterion of gravity is proposed as a way of apprehending in an “objective way” the subjective element, the aggressive intention.
International Law, Aggression, Objective Elements, Subjective Elements, International Responsibility
Author Biography
Rodrigo Díaz AIbónico, Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile
Es profesor del Instituto de Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Chile y director del programa de post-grado, magíster en estudios internacionales impartido por el mismo Instituto
Díaz AIbónico, R. (1978). Los elementos objetivos y subjetivos en la definición internacional de la agresión. Estudios Internacionales, 11(43), p. 90–107.