EI Sistema Económico Latinoamericano (SELA) como instancia de mediación, representación y acción política, ¿destinado al fracaso?


  • Patricio Chaparro Navarrete CINDE


Among the accumulation of acronyms of existing organizations related to Latin America, in 1975 SELA (Latin American Economic System) emerged. Although it emerged brightly, in our opinion it also runs the risk of disappearing, or rather getting lost in the sea of Latin American organisms and acronyms, with the same and less brilliant expedition. This work takes a deliberately critical and pessimistic position regarding the organism it analyzes. Although the positive and advantageous aspects it represents are not unknown, it is also pointed out, from a political perspective, the serious and almost insurmountable problems that the cooperation and integration processes in Latin America have always faced and with greater acuity and which will surely constitute serious obstacles for this new cooperation organization.


Latin American Economic System (SELA), Integration, Cooperation, Latin America, Political Science

Author Biography

Patricio Chaparro Navarrete, CINDE

Doctor en ciencia política de la Universidad de Carolina del Norte, Chapel Hill, EE. UU. Investigador del CINDE.