EI sistema antártico y la cuestión del aprovechamiento de los recursos en el área


  • Fernando Zegers Santa Cruz Embajada de Chile en Brasil


Interest in Antarctica has increased considerably in recent years, as the use of its resources has been considered. This continent is not a territory absent of legal norms, remote from man and "res nullius". On the contrary, there is a true Antarctic System that is perfectly integrated into the general international system, corresponds to the principles and purposes of the United Nations and has proven its effectiveness in space and time. Consequently, it is through this system that the solution to the question of the use of the area's resources must be found. It is necessary to maintain and strengthen the Antarctic Treaty, under which an extreme area of the planet has been known, preserved and developed. It is essential to preserve the ecological reserve created there, its status as a zone of peace and its scientific laboratory open to all humanity.


Antarctica, Antarctic Treaty, Antarctic System, Natural Resources, Environment

Author Biography

Fernando Zegers Santa Cruz, Embajada de Chile en Brasil

Abogado y profesor universitario. Actual embajador de Chile en Brasil. Especialista en temas de derecho internacional.