The definition of a regime for Antarctic mineral resources has begun to be discussed both among the Consultative Parties to the 1959 Treaty and, from a more general point of view, between third countries and other media interested in the problem. Although many studies indicate that the exploitation of these resources will not be as soon as is usually believed, nor will it perhaps have an economic interest or a significant return, an expectation has been generated around this matter anyway. It is on this basis that various alternatives and options have been proposed, ranging from the nature of the Antarctic system to the consideration of specific regimes to regulate this activity. Some basic options are discussed in this paper in light of what appear to be the prevailing trends.
Author Biography
Francisco Orrego Vicuña, Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile
Director del Instituto de Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Chile. Miembro del Comité Jurídico Interamericano y delegado ante la Conferencia sobre el Derecho del Mar. Autor de numerosas obras sobre derecho internacional y relaciones internacionales.
Orrego Vicuña, F. (1983). La definición de un régimen para los recursos minerales antárticos : opciones básicas. Estudios Internacionales, 16(61), p. 14–30.