El problema de las compensaciones : ¿Quién compensa a quién, por qué y cómo?


  • Archibald R. M. Ritter Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University, Otawa


One problem that is probably the most complex and contentious in any process of normalization of relations between Cuba and the United States is that of "compensations." These problems must be resolved to avoid future lawsuits over property ownership, in order to minimize the uncertainty and economic paralysis that they could generate. This paper summarizes some of the elements related to the compensation problem, namely: The historical context; the claims of the United States against Cuba; the possible claims of Cuba to the United States; the legal and ethical dimensions; the alternative approaches to dealing with this problem and, finally, the Cuban-American claims (not considered by the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission) and the claims of the Cubans.


Cuba, United States, Normalization, Compensations, Claims

Author Biography

Archibald R. M. Ritter, Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University, Otawa

Profesor de asuntos económicos e intenacionales en Norman Paterson School of International Affairs en Carleton University, Ottawa, Canadá.  Sus investigaciones abarcan los temas de las interrelaciones económicas entre países en desarrollo y desarrollados, desarrollo de recursos minerales, sector informal y aspectos del desarrollo en Latinoamérica y África Oriental.  Ha escrito gran cantidad de trabajos sobre la experiencia económica de Cuba y sobre desarrollo latinoamericano.  Recientemente editó Latin America to the Year 2000 : reactivating growth, improving equity, sustaining democracy, (New York: Praeger, 1992).