La gobernabilidad : un concepto multidimensional


  • Edgardo Boeninger


Starting from the basis that Latin America is moving towards democracy and market economy, this paper addresses the issue of governance from a multidimensional point of view. The challenges of the political, economic and social project of a country are first distinguished, establishing certain requirements for governance: evidence of the lesser power of the State, gradual changes, the need for a political majority capable of governing that is supported by society, and compatibility between growth and equity. Regarding institutional problems, the need for strong political parties and solid parliaments, non-corruption, the proper functioning of the Judiciary, citizen security, and respect for the rules of the political game stand out. Finally, reference is made to the modernization of the State in the aspects of personnel policy, decision-making and implementation of policies and programs.


Latin America, Governance, Democracy, Modernization of the State, Development

Author Biography

Edgardo Boeninger

Ingeniero civil y economista. Ex-rector de la Universidad de Chile y ex-ministro secretario general de la presidencia de la República. Consultor de organismos internacionales. Presidente de la Corporación Tiempo 2000.