Una política exterior para una región en cambio


  • Carlos Figueroa Serrano


Contrary to what pessimistic approaches postulated in the past decade, Latin America has not been left out of the profound changes that the international system has undergone. In this paper it is postulated that, without neglecting the other priorities of its international agenda, there is no doubt that Latin America is the natural environment of Chile and where it should locate its links. The following is a review of the state of Chile's relations with the countries of the region, the most relevant issues on the agenda and the principles that govern it: international protection of human rights, defense and promotion of democracy, regional security, and open regionalism. We hold that in all of the above, the academic world has a great responsibility and should contribute to improving knowledge of the regional and world reality.


Chile, Latin America, International System, Foreign Policy, International Relations

Author Biography

Carlos Figueroa Serrano

Abogado. Ex embajador de Chile en Argentina y actual ministro de relaciones exteriores de Chile.