Due to the profound transformations that are being experienced today, the world is facing a "triple crisis", characterized by the consequent changes in the ways knowledge is produced, in the existing technological responses and the ways of organizing production. This creates a space for action in which it is necessary to reformulate the concept of development according to the achievements produced in the last forty years, identify strategies taking into account this new conception and explore new ideas about the issue of international governance. All of the above poses an enormous challenge and a special responsibility to the Latin American continent, in the sense that its contribution in the renewal of concepts can help prevent the period of "barbarism" that some European intellectuals predict.
Development, Development Strategies, Knowledge, Productive Modernization, Latin America
Author Biography
Francisco R. Sagasti
Investigador principal de GRADE y co-director del "Proyecto Agenda-Perú", Lima Perú. Ex jefe de planeamiento estratégico del Banco Mundial y ex presidente del Consejo Consultivo de las Naciones Unidas sobre Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo.
Sagasti, F. R. (1995). El desarrollo en la transición al siglo XXI : una perspectva latinoamericana. Estudios Internacionales, 28(109), p. 25–36. https://doi.org/10.5354/0719-3769.1995.15339