Bolivia en el comercio mundial : entre la globalización y la marginalización


  • Ramiro Orias Arredondo


The international economic scenario is experiencing a process of transition and transformation. One of the most relevant trends is the globalization of markets, production, investment and finance. However, the Bolivian economy is still struggling with currents of marginalization and isolation in its links in international trade. In this context, this paper evaluates Bolivia's position in world trade and the nature of its trade relations. The economic reforms carried out in recent years are analyzed and internal structural variables that affect their articulation with the outside are identified. Finally, it is concluded that the special characteristics of its national economic structure have conditioned its mode of insertion in international markets, generating a difficult contradiction between a high degree of official external openness and a low level of international competitiveness.


Bolivia, Economic Globalization, International Insertion, Economic Structure, Economic Reform

Author Biography

Ramiro Orias Arredondo

Abogado boliviano; magíster en estudios internacionales, Universidad de Chile; consultor CAF, PNUD, BID, en proyectos de fortalecimiento institucional del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y del Congreso Nacional; actualmente se desempeña como director jurídico de la Cámara Nacional de Comercio de Bolivia.