La inserción internacional de la República Popular China : una visión desde las relaciones internacionales


  • Lily M. Bravo C. Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile


From Imperial China to Mao's China and 21st century China, the international community has sought to subject this dragon to the current norms of coexistence and good relations. However, it is now that China seeks its own international insertion as one of the central factors to maintain its development and growth strategy and to seek the always desired international recognition and prestige. This article makes a review and balance of the process of international insertion of the PRC and its relations with the main actors, blocks and regions of the world. For these purposes, it tries to understand the logic behind China's post-Deng international relations, and some basic conceptions of Chinese foreign policy are reviewed. Finally, a balance and description of China's relations with the main powers and regions of international events is made.


People's Republic of China, Foreign Policy, International Insertion, International Relations, Development Strategy

Author Biography

Lily M. Bravo C., Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile

Profesora del Instituto de Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Chile.