One of the great problems related to the security structure in the Middle East and worldwide is the trend towards the proliferation of ballistic missiles. These lethal expedition weapons systems are the only ones for which there is currently no credible active defense. Its proliferation brings with it radical transformations in the field of defense policies: they must be readjusted to new scenarios of peace, war or major war crisis, bringing with it periods of increasing destabilization. The Syrian case and, especially, its relationship with Israel is a clear example of this problem. We argue that the diffusion of ballistic missiles should not be seen only as a source of threat, on the contrary, under certain conditions proliferation can emerge as a stability variable by crystallizing or reinforcing the deterrence phenomenon, in this case ballistics.
Middle East, Syria, Ballistic Missiles, Israel, International Security
Author Biography
Cristián Leyton
Bachelor ciencia política área relaciones internacionales y Master of Arts en ciencia política área estudios estratégicos y relaciones internacionales, Université du Quèbec à Montréal (UQAM), Canadá.
Leyton, C. (2002). Siria y la proliferación balística : consecuencias para Israel. Estudios Internacionales, 35(139), p. 63–86.