¿Tiene México viabilidad sin los Estados Unidos?


  • Carlos Portales


Any analysis that attempts to decipher the multifaceted panorama of relations between Mexico and the United States, must necessarily integrate a diversity of factors referring to the complexities of the ties between two nations united not only by a long border, but by a conjunction of historical, political, economic and social factors that are not repeated in the relationship on any other countries on the planet. We maintain that the future of the Mexican-American relationship will depend on the perseverance with which both nations seek to solve common problems. To understand this evolution, it is necessary to bear in mind: the asymmetric nature of their relationship, examine the implications of NAFTA for growth strategies, observe the effects of the economic development process in Mexican society, take into account the continuity and improvement of the process of economic reforms, along with migration, border areas, drug trafficking, Mexican democracy and its foreign policy.


Mexico, United States, Foreign Policy, NAFTA, Cooperation

Author Biography

Carlos Portales

Director general de política exterior, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Chile; licenciado en ciencias jurídicas y sociales de la Universidad de Chile y M. A. en ciencia política, Universidad de Stanford, California, Estados Unidos.