Las relaciones de Chile y China : del simbolismo a la acción


  • Octavio Errázuriz Guilisasti


In December 2005, the Republics of Chile and the People's Republic of China celebrated thirty-five years of uninterrupted diplomatic relations, a period in which the ties as a whole have had a dynamic and positive evolution, particularly highlighting the rapid growth and diversification of economic and commercial relations. Chilean-Chinese relations can be classified as mature, with a solid legal-political foundation, a growing reality and a clear potentiality. They are healthy bonds. Neither past resentments nor present problems afflict them; eventual difficulties are dealt with through diplomatic channels through dialogue and cooperation. The Free Trade Agreement signed between the two countries is moving in precisely the same direction and will facilitate the creation of trust and the promotion of more and better cooperative relations.


Chile, China, International Economic Relations, Cooperation, Asia Pacific

Author Biography

Octavio Errázuriz Guilisasti

Abogado; diplomático; ex embajador de Chile en China.