Between Cuba and the Azores : images and perceptions in relations between Spain and the United States


  • José Luis Neila Hernández Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


The images and perceptions between North American and Spanish people have been determined by the evolution of their bilateral relations, their own evolution within the international society -an emergent power and one in decline- and the nature of the relevant. Historical milestones such as the War of 1898, the agreements with the United States of America from 1953 or the european and atlantic alignment of democratic Spain show the images and conflicting feelings between both countries. A crossroads anti american attitudes originating in different political and ideological traditions and the reality of the americanization -modernization- of the spanish society throughout the 20th century converge.


history, Spain, United States of America, world politics, foreign policy

Author Biography

José Luis Neila Hernández, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Profesor titular, Departamento de Historia Contemporánea de la Faultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; miembro de la Comisión Española de Historia de las Relaciones Internacionales.