Determinants of social trust in Chile: what elements to incorporate in the design of public policies?


Social trust corresponds to the generalised willingness to trust another person, despite not having sufficient information to judge his or her trustworthiness. There is extensive academic evidence linking trust with the subjective well-being of the population. This research seeks to identify the determinants of social trust in Chile, using human development surveys conducted by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) between 2004 and 2010, and employs a probit model to estimate the probability of possessing the attribute social trust. The results confirm that sociability, sense of control and optimism have an impact on social trust in Chile. From the results it is concluded that a promising way to stimulate trust in the long term would be the development of universal policies that favour the encounter between different groups and promote the idea of a shared fate among citizens who are not used to interacting with each other.



social trust, sociability, sense of control, optimism, public policy design


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