Knowledge workers as the base of innovation in public administration


  • María del Pilar Pastor Pérez Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí
  • Hugo Alejandro Borjas García El Colegio de San Luis, A.C
  • Jorge Edgardo Borjas García Instituto Tecnológico de San Luis Potosí


The objective was to identify knowledge workers in public administration. The study design was exploratory, descriptive, non-experimental and tran¬sectional. The case study was carried out in the public administration of San Luis Potosi (Mexico). A questionnaire was applied to a sample of 31 public officials of the State Government of San Luis Potosi. The results indicate that 6.45 % of respondents present the characteristics of knowledge workers, which is in line with research conducted in private sector. In addition, civil servants recognize the importance of innovation, but they are passive when it comes to implementing actions in search of innovative results. Based on the limitations of the research, it is suggested to increase the sample size to analyze the reliability and validity of the questionnaire, which was initially designed for the private sector.


knowledge workers, public administration, management, innovation, Mexico


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