In Chile, innovation tends to be confused with ¨good practices¨ or ¨local development¨, which can be explained by the high levels of centralization and nationalization of local politics given the scant empirical evidence available, something that is inconsistent with the autonomy enjoyed by that level of government. Innovation has, therefore, its limits set by the institutional design since municipalities strongly focus decision-making responsabilities in their elected mayors – some who seem unwilling to allow the ¨indiscipline¨ that characterizes innovators- and who in turn, have to do what they are allowed by the law, fiscal transfers and the General Comptroller of the Republic.
Navarrete, B. (2015). SEARCHING FOR THE GUGGENHEIM. INNOVATION IN THE PUBLIC SPHERE AND MINUCIPALITIES. Estado, Gobierno Y Gestión Pública, 13(25), pp. 41–60.
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