La Gran Oportunidad: Fin de la Psiquis del Liderazgo en el Surgimiento de la Psiquis de la Gerencia Co-Inspirativa.


  • Humberto Maturana Instituto de Formación Matríztica
  • Ximena Dávila Instituto de Formación Matríztica


The essay proposes to replace the leadership, as a way of managing organizations, for a co-inspiring management. The authors propose we are living in a post-post modern era, whose main characteristic is that we, human beings, know what we know we know and understand what we understand we understand. This situation leads us to an ethical action-reflexion in which human beings can not run away of the consciousness and responsibility of their behaviors. In this context, human relations such as leadership are meaningless. Thus, the concept of co-inspiring management arises. This concept allows people to participate in an active and creative way in the creation and accomplishment of common projects and in the fulfillment of well-being.


Co-Inspiring Management, Leadership, Human Relations, Post-Post-Modern Era.

Author Biography

Humberto Maturana, Instituto de Formación Matríztica