Prevención y Control de Conflctos de Interés: Lecciones para la Administración Pública Federal en México a partir de la Experiencia Internacional


  • David Arellano Gault Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE)
  • Walter Lepore Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE)


The New Public Management has centered the focus of its arguments primarily on the analysis of questions related to efficiency, effectiveness and productivity of government. However, the moral and ethical aspects that go hand in hand with public action are still fundamental to give sense to government activities in a society. A particular focal point in the construction of good government from the viewpoint of the debate on ethics is that related to combating and preventing conflicts of interest of public officials. The aim of this document is to advance our understanding of the regulatory, organizational and institutional aspects to combat or prevent conflicts of interest, especially in the case of Mexico. Our study starts with
an analysis of international experiences, in particular those of the United States of America and Canada.


Interest Conflicts, Normative, Institutional and Organisational Experiences, Organisational Control, United States, Canada, Mexico.

Author Biography

David Arellano Gault, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE)