Thanks to the development of ICT´s over the last years, research vitrual networks represents a novel way of organizing social activities. The development of ICTs in recent years has allowed novel ways of organizing social activities, such as virtual research networks. Such networks are supported on virtual communication platforms that facilitate the coordination of geographically-dispersed actors and promote cooperation and trust among members who share a common goal: expanding the frontiers of knowledge. However, these networks also pose a number of questions related to their analysis and study. How should virtual research networks be assessed? Is it possible to use methods and criteria used to evaluate traditional organizations? What are the main differences between networks and organizations? This document provides answers to these questions and proposes a number of criteria for analyzing this particular type of organizational structure.
Virtual Networks, Evaluation, ICTs, Research and Knowledge Creation
Lepore, W. (2008). Redes Virtuales de Investigación. Una Propuesta Metodológica para su Evaluación. Estado, Gobierno Y Gestión Pública, 6(11), pp. 135 / 155.
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