Between the education, instruction and teaching exercise within the educational system. Ideas of educators in revista de instruccion primaria in chile between 1898-1910
Through the records of the educators in the primary magazine you can find educational themes that are contingency until today such as; education and instruction, literacy, the confusion of concepts that has happened at the hands of political and educational authorities especially, the shortcomings of an educational system and its main features aimed at the formation of the citizen, women’s education, and training and teaching practice, among others. However, despite the past of the source used the ideas and reflections are affable to the present, and it is a source that has been little studied. The proposed opinion is that until our present time these confusions such as education and instruction not have been discussed, nor much less determined, at the same time that keep the criticism to the education system and teaching exercise. Final reflections are an invitation from the social history of education to continue with more research on these women, intellectuals, teachers and educators.
Hernández, B. (2019). Between the education, instruction and teaching exercise within the educational system. Ideas of educators in revista de instruccion primaria in chile between 1898-1910. Revista Enfoques Educacionales, 15(1), 4–27. Retrieved from