1. The original tension: unit vs. dispersion of the administrative procedure
The organs of the State Administration act in various fields of action, pursuing different purposes and interests in the satisfaction of numerous public needs. In order to solve this objective fairly and effectively, they require submitting in each case to a course of action duly adequate to the tasks to be achieved. That is why the doctrine has never sponsored or wanted to reduce this diverse totality to a single and all-encompassing ritual, to a kind of "ordinary administrative procedure" to replace sectoral particularities.
Law No. 19.880, Administrative procedure, State Administration
Jara Schnettler, J. (2015). The legal guarantee of the unity of the administrative procedure in Law No. 19,880. Revista De Derecho Público, (70), Págs. 287–311. https://doi.org/10.5354/rdpu.v0i70.37765