Michel Henry´s theory of affectivity, which is already exposed and developed in his first work “The Essence of Manifestation”, constitutes the fundamental backbone of all his later phenomenological thinking. In the present work we try to rebuild and interpret that theory of original vital affectivity in order to show to what extent it represents one of the most risky and fruitful attempts (in the framework of contemporary philosophy) to recognize a “pathetic immediacy” prior to our opening to the world at the origin of all posible experience. An affective and vital element susceptible even to present itself as a reformulation of Cartesian cogito in a phenomenological key.
Llorente Cardo, J. (2021). Gazing at the mirror of every phenomenon: incarnations of affectivity in Michel Henry´s “The Essence of Manifestation”. Revista De Filosofía, 78, pp. 97–114. Retrieved from https://revistas.uchile.cl/index.php/RDF/article/view/65670