We seek to assess the role that Kant's aesthetic theory can play in connection with art. We begin by placing Kant in the context of his time: the spirit and sensibility he shares with his contemporaries. Although this conditioning may detach his theory from the way we now appreciate art, one should above all pay attention to the gist of his proposal: by asserting the autonomy of the aesthetical Kant takes a stance which is radically different from that of his predecessors. We examine this autonomy in the light of intersubjectivity and try to show that the Kantian theory of the aesthetical, which aims to give a solution to the question of the legitimacy of aesthetic judgments, reaffirms -through the intersubjectivity manifested in aesthetic judgments and works of art- the public space of art.
Kant, aesthetic judgment, art, intersubjectivity, public space
Hanza, K. (2008). La estética de Kant: el arte en el ámbito de lo público. Revista De Filosofía, 64, Pág. 49–63. Retrieved from https://revistas.uchile.cl/index.php/RDF/article/view/17238