
Our call to publish in our next issue is now open!

The Revista de Derecho Económico (Journal of Economic Law) invites the academic community, both national and international, to send their articles to our website, in the "Send article" section. The article must comply the rules indicated in the "Submissions" section.

The call is open untill October 15, 2023.

With respect to mining negative easements



As a consequence of the proliferation of possessory actions in the form of new work denounce (denuncias de obra nueva) filed by mining concessionaries which detains the execution of works and projects developed in property land of third parties, our local legal practice has created an innovative contract denominated negative mining easement by which the owner of a mining concession (servient state) obliges not to develop mining works that can impact the surface rights (dominant tenement). In exchange of such obligation, the owner of the dominant tenement compensates the mining concessionary with a payment on consideration for its damages. This paper analyzes these “negative mining easement agreements” and concludes that they are non-legitimate liens as the obligation assumed by the mining concessionary is contrary to public order and civil and mining law, and susceptible to their annulment through the exercise of the public action of absolute annulment.


Servidumbres, predios sirvientes, concesiones mineras, querella posesoria de denuncia de obra nueva, obligaciones concesionarios mineros.


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