
¡Ya se encuentra abierta nuestra convocatoria para publicar en nuestro Volumen 82 Número 1 Año 2025!

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Thoughts on State Action in Ecuador: The Sucre Insurance Co. Case



The role of the State in a country’s economy is one of the issues that has been in constant debate for many years, especially for the “Latin American Spectrum”. Certainly, it is a thematic axis that implies a constant conflict and apparently “irreconcilable” positions between the “left” or “right” factions. Although it appears that the macro-rules and models of legal-political governance in our countries are established through the constitutional block. However, there have been many instances where, unfortunately, this has not mattered much and has led Latin American countries to the prevalence of mercantilism (cronyism). This has had a significant impact on the development and growth of the population centers of our countries and has served as a space for the consolidation of numerous socio-structural issues such as corruption, also known as the “termite of the state”, and the supremacy of private interests over public ones. In this order of ideas, this article shares some thoughts based on the Ecuadorian case, specifically the case of Seguros Sucre Co., through which and under the political criterion of strengthening free competition in the insurance market, it ended up “affecting” the consolidation of the Ecuadorian social state of law and justice as the government sustainable a social objective.

Palabras clave:

Neoliberalism, constitution, group of interest, governance, rules of the game


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