Environmental Law Journal becomes part of Scielo Chile
The publication edited by the Environmental Law Center will be part of an open access collection of Chilean scientific journals in all areas of knowledge.
The Environmental Law Journal, edited by the Environmental Law Center of the Law School of the University of Chile, was admitted to be part of the SciELO - Chile Scientific Electronic Library.
SciELO - Chile is an open access collection of texts from Chilean scientific journals, from all areas of knowledge, which predominantly publish articles resulting from scientific research, and which uses peer review of the manuscripts they receive, which show a growing performance in the indicators of compliance with the indexing criteria.
"We are very pleased with this recognition, which is the result of an effort of continuous improvement of the editorial processes developed by the editorial team, which has resulted in the growing increase in the quality of the articles published over the years," said the director of the Journal, Prof. Valentina Durán Medina, adding "we are grateful for the support of the Faculty, which through its Dean, Prof. Pablo Ruiz-Tagle, and the Journals Program of the Research Department, headed by Prof. Daniel Álvarez, has provided permanent support to the work of the journal."
"Once the collaboration agreement between the Faculty of Law of the University of Chile and the National Agency for Research and Development (ANID) is signed, the full incorporation of the journal to this collection will take place, starting in 2022" explained the editor Jorge Ossandón Rosales.
This good news is in addition to the admission, in 2020, of the Environmental Law Journal to the SCOPUS database.
As a result, in 2022 the Environmental Law Journal will already be indexed in Scopus, Redib, DOAJ and Latindex, in addition to ScIELO, with the support of SISIB and the Journals Program of the Research Department of the Law School of the Universidad of Chile.
It should be noted that Issue 16 of this biannual journal will be published on December 31.
A central element of ILO Convention 169 is the obligation for States to consult with indigenous peoples on legal and administrative measures likely to affect them to achieve agreement or consent on such measures. Chile ratified Convention 169 in 2008 and regulated Indigenous Consultation of investment projects in the Environmental Impact Assessment System through Supreme Decrees N° 40/2012 and N° 66/2013. The literature has criticized the alleged lack of results of the mechanism for indigenous communities, that the consultation is not binding for the outcome of the environmental assessment, and the effective duration of the consultation procedures. Using official data from the Environmental Assessment Service, it has been estimated that 72.3% of consultations have ended in agreements with indigenous communities regarding investment projects. Although the outcome of the consultation is not legally binding for the environmental assessment, obtaining full agreement in the consultation is associated in 90.5% of the cases with obtaining a favorable Environmental Qualification Resolution for the project. The average duration of consultations is 22 months, five times the period established in DS 66/2013.
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