
Announcement RChD: Creación y Pensamiento |Vol. 10 Nº 18| JUN 2025 | Dossier: The multiscalar. Deadline for full manuscript submission: December 31, 2024. 

The importance of design for women in informal commerce



Informal trade in Mexico represents an essential component of the economy since it generates employment and income for vulnerable sectors. This study focuses on “nenis,” entrepreneurs who use digital platforms to sell products that they deliver in public spaces, such as Parque Rojo in Guadalajara. Through interviews and field observation, these women’s main challenges were identified: transportation problems, lack of infrastructure in sales spaces, insecurity, and precarious health conditions. These obstacles not only limit their ability to grow but also their economic and personal stability. 

Design solutions emerge as key tools to improve the working conditions of nenis. The proposals include the development of light and modular transport systems, optimizing sales stands, and creating safer and more functional spaces. The implementation of these interventions has the potential to increase the productivity of nenis, professionalize their businesses, and improve their quality of life. By integrating a human-centered design approach, we seek not only to resolve logistical barriers but also to empower these women, transforming their daily operations into a more efficient, safe, and prosperous environment. 


Nenis, entrepreneurship, innovation, design