In this essay we interrogate social inequalities and conflict expressed in images, narratives and practices of space production located in San Salvador de Jujuy city. We make an interpretative analysis about senses of place in the city through physic, media and social spaces built around an ethnographic approach and media analysis. We aim to explore a transversal approach of space hegemonic production processes in the city taking into account two main sources involving the territorialisation actions performed by social organizations Tupac Amaru and Tupaj Katari, as well as their entailment with local history.
Geografías del poder, Sentidos de ciudad, San Salvador de Jujuy, Medios hegemónicos, Movimientos sociales
García Vargas, A., Gaona, M., & López, A. N. (2016). Intersecciones: espacio físico, social y mediático en la construcción cotidiana de una “ciudad ordinaria” (San Salvador de Jujuy, Argentina). Comunicación Y Medios, 25(33), 89–114.