Using the Worlds of Journalism database, this article presents indices of restriction as perceived by journalists in their daily work. One of the main findings is that the level of restriction found in Chile is considerably higher than the world average. This difference is even starker if Chile is compared only with other democratic countries. This is especially the case in terms of restrictions imposed by the market and advertising , a dimension where 67% of Chilean journalists perceive high levels of restriction, surpassing almost 3 times the result for democratic countries in general. The restriction levels are also very high in Chile in the dimension of restriction by superiors and media owners, again surpassing world levels.
journalism, freedom of speech, press freedom, information right, restriction indexes
Sapiezynksa, E. (2013). Journalistic freedom in Chile and the world: levels and origins of restrictions as perceived by journalists in their work. Comunicación Y Medios, (28), Pág. 24 – 39.