It is proposed to describe in intensity the way of life of fishermen and gatherer way of life in the Caleta de Arica. From certain ecologies of practices and of bonding practices and technologies, we address the heterogeneous experiences that weave a distinctive that interweave a distinctive socio-natural environment, composed of multiple existing of multiple existences and their respective relationalities. We incorporate our own classifications and expert knowledge about the maritorio [sea-territory] and the upbringing at sea, either in terms of the in terms of tasks and interactions, as well as in analytical and comparative terms. comparative terms. The political aspects of social memory and the historical dimension of cultural traditions are also explored. and the historical dimension of coastal cultural traditions are also explored, examining past experience in the present experience of the past in the matters of the present and vice versa. Underlying, then, is a reflection on the ability of ethnography to ethnography's ability to relate different worlds in permanent and mutual reconfiguration. different worlds in permanent and mutual reconfiguration.
maritorio, ecologías de prácticas, tecnologías sociales, lenguajes políticos, etnografías relacionales
Urrutia, F. . (2024). Artisanal Fishermen in Arica (Northern Chile) Ethnographic itinerancies about sea breeding. Revista Chilena De Antropología, (50), 1–25.