Mapuche khipu: püron/pron. Symbolic implications, uses and possible historical and cultural approaches


  • Dagmar Bachraty Universidad de Chile


Several antecedents are presented regarding the uses of the Mapuche püron within the south-central part of Chile. Such antecedents suggest a functional approach to this system within areas of colonial warfare based on narrative and accounting characteristics like the Inca khipu. As it is known, the Inca khipu is a container of ideographic communication epistemologies, both countable and narrative, where from this comparative scope the pron described in colonial chronicles is observed as a tool of war citation, political agreement, political distinction through the representation of a color and calendar. On the other hand, according to current studies, the püron presents new aesthetics alluded to an accounting system for domestic use. Not finding archaeological records in museums of any kind or discarding any influence prior to the Inca period due to influences derived from Andean contacts.


püron, pron, khipu incaico