The (Un)Controled Borders: The Peruvian Migration in Arica-Chile through Three Transnational Dynamics


  • Menara L. Guizardi Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales, Universidad Nacional de San Martín (Buenos Aires, Argetina) y Departamento de Antropología, Universidad Alberto Hurtado (Santiago, Chile). Almirante Barroso, 10, Santiago
  • Felipe Valdebenito Departamento de Antropología de Universidad de Tarapacá. Cardenal Caro, 348, Arica


The article discusses the results of a case study about the transborder dimensions of the Peruvian migration in Arica (North of Chile). Following the narratives of four Peruvian migrant man we observe how the social environment, the shared knowledge and the gender ascriptions help in shaping migrant itineraries,which are structured as controlled/uncontrolled processes in the Peruvian-Chilean border. After synthesizing the context and methodology of the research, the main analytical categories are debated, describing the theorization of the transnational and transborder migrant experiences and the way through which the migrant webs act as social and cultural capital. Afterwards, we develop the ethnographic data, focusing on the familiar and communitarian migratory practices; on the social webs, and on the migrant’s routes anditineraries. The final remarks offer a dialog between the theoretical categories and the qualitative data.


Transborder Migration, Social and Cultural Capital, Transnationalism