Cultural history of Pottery Period in the Semiarid North of Chile have been characterizedthrough an homogeneus sequence in which particular cultural entities was defining, eachone having specific material culture and temporal moments. In this paper, we rethinkthis sequence through a new revision of archaeological contexts of this region. Severaldifferences between valleys are identified through this revision, which allows suggests threediferents sectors in Semiarid North of Chile, each one as an own way of life and dwelling.An interpretative hipotesys is proposed to understand the homogeneity and heterogeneityidentified in the region in the Pottery period. Historical development, materialconditions of existence and the expansion of symbolic systems, all which are materializedin knowledges and practices, are proposed as a mechanism to understand this reality.
Troncoso, A., & Pavlovic, D. (2013). Histories, knowledges and practices: an essay about the development of pottery communities of the Semiarid North of Chile. Revista Chilena De Antropología, (27). Retrieved from