Ventanilla abierta para recepción de artículos en Revista de Arquitectura N.º 47.
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Este artículo se centra en las instalaciones arquitectónicas que surgieron como una extensión del arte de instalación después de la década de 1960, principalmente en el contexto occidental. Las instalaciones arquitectónicas van desde estructuras geométricas plegadas experimentales de Lygia Clark hasta actuaciones espacio-temporales de Vito Acconci, desde actuaciones corporales de Bruce McLean y Klaus Rinke hasta espacios arquitectónicos monumentales y monolíticos y entornos digitales/inmersivos. En estos experimentos espaciales llevados a cabo tanto por artistas como por arquitectos, la interacción directa del público con el espacio establecido emerge como crucial para la percepción y realización de la obra. En este artículo, el objetivo es comprender la interacción entre ellos y los límites interdisciplinarios de la arquitectura en el marco de conceptos como la creación de límites, la corporeidad y lo monolítico a través de algunos de los ejemplos escogidos. El artículo tiene como objetivo averiguar qué expansiones pueden crear estos experimentos espaciales en la perspectiva de nuestra comprensión y percepción de la arquitectura y la interacción.
Acconci, V. (1972). Seedbed. Tate, 1972.
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Benjamin, A. (2010). Writing Art and Architecture. Re.Press.
Bishop, C. (2005). Installation Art. Tate Publishing.Bloomberg Quicktake. (2016, October 10). The Evocative Fabric Stylings of Do Ho Suh. Brilliant Ideas Ep. 38 [Video]. Youtube.
Brett, G. (1987). Lygia Clark: The Borderline Between Art Life. Third Text, 1(1), 65-94.
Brett, G. (1994). Lygia Clark: In Search of the Body. Art in America, 57-64.
Bruno, G. (2007). Public Intimacy: Architecture and the Visual Arts. MIT Press.
Butler, C. H. (2014). Lygia Clark: A Space Open to Time. In C. Butler, & L. Pérez-Oramaz (Eds.), Lygia Clark: The Abandonment of Art, 1948-1988 (pp. 12-29). The Museum of Modern Art.
Cogley, B. (2018, February 13). Larry Bell’s Glass Cubes Mimic California Light and Fog. Dezeen. Retrieved February 14, 2022, from,from%20the%20coast%20of%20California.&text=The%20glass%20panels%20used%20all,feet%20(1.8%20metres)%20tall
Crowther, P. (2009). Phenomenology of the Visual Arts (even the frame). Stanford University Press.Derrida, J. (1986). Point de Folie-Maintenant L’architecture. Bernard Tschumi: La Case Vide-La Villette, 1985. AA Files 12 Bernard Tschumi: La Case Vide-La Villette (pp. 65-75. Retrieved November 19, 2022,
Fabrizi, M. (2014, September 1). Klaus Rinke: Time, Space, Body, Transformations. Retrieved December 11, 2022, from
Fineberg, J. (1995). Art Since the 1940: Strategies of Being. Prentice Hall.
Grau, O. (2007). Virtual Art: From Illusion to Immersion. MIT Press.
Johung, J. (2012). Replacing Home from Primordial Hut to Digital Network in Contemporary Art. University of Minnesota Press.
Kaye, N. (2000). Site-Specific Art: Performance, Place and Documentation. Routledge.Klaus Rinke Studio (n.d.). Retrieved April, 15, 2020, from
Kossak, F. (2009). Exhibiting Architecture: TheInstallation as Laboratory for Emerging Architecture. In S. Chaplin, & A. Stara (Eds.), Curating Architecture and the City, Critiques: Critical Studies in Architectural Humanities (pp. 117-128). Routledge.
Krauss, R. (1979). Sculpture in the Expanded Field. October, 8, 30-44. 778224
Leach, N. (Ed.) (1997). Rethinking Architecture: A Reader in Cultural Theory. Routledge.
Lodder, C. (1983). Russian Constructivism. Yale University Press.Lygia Clark (a) (n. d.). Construction. Retrieved February 14, 2022, from
Lygia Clark (b) (n. d.). Monumental Fantastic Architecture n. º 1. Collection. Retrieved February 14, 2022, from
Machado, R., & El-Khoury, R. (1995). Monolithic Architecture. Prestel.Massumi, B. (2019). Architectures of the Unforeseen: Essays in the Occurrent Arts. University of Minnesota Press.
McLean, B. (1971). Pose Work for Plinths I, 1971. Tate. #:~:text=As%20Nena%20Dimitrijevic%20has%20written,plinths %20on%20which%20to%20recline
Miles, M. (1997). Art, Space and the City, Public Art and Urban Futures. Routledge.
Mondloch, K. (2010). Screens: Viewing Media Installation Art. University of Minnesota Press.
Munoz-Vera, G. (2022). Moving images, Moved spectators: Jon Rafman’s Sculpture Garden (Hedge Maze) and the Panorama Experience. Journal of Art History (RHA-W), (11), 73-84.
Onorato, R. J. (1997). Blurring the Boundaries: Installation Art 1969-1996. In H. M. Davies, R. J. Onorato, & A. Farrell (Eds.), Museum of Contemporary Art, Exhibition Catalogue (pp. 13-29). Museum of Contemporary Art.
Pachner, J. (1998). Sculpture. In R. Storr, J. Keenen, & J. Pachner (Eds.), Tony Smith: Architect, Painter, Sculptor (pp. 128-133). The Museum of Modern Art, H.N. Abrams.
Phileas. A Fund for Contemporary Art. (n. d.). Exhibition, Leander Schönweger. Retrieved February 14, 2022, from
Phillips, L. (1989). Frederick Kiesler. Whitney Museum of American Art.
Reiss, J. (1999). From Margin to Center, The Spaces of Installation Art. MIT Press.
Schönweger, L. (2017). Our Family Lost [Video].
Serra, R. (1969). One Ton Prop (House of Cards) [Sculpture]. The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York.
Serra, R. (1994). Tilted Arc Destroyed. In R. Serra (Ed.), Writings Interviews (pp. 193-214). Chicago University Press.
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Smith, A. C. (2004). Architectural Model as Machine, A New View of Models from Antiquity to the Present Day. Architectural Press, Elsevier.
Storr, R. (1998). A Man of Parts. In R. Storr, J. Keenen, & J. Pachner (Eds.), Tony Smith: Architect, Painter, Sculptor (pp. 10-35). The Museum of Modern Art, H.N. Abrams.
Studio Libeskind. (n. d.). Three Lessons in Architecture: The Machines. Retrieved December 13, 2021, from
The Cooper Union (2012, November 14). Lebbeus Woods Remembered. Retrieved January 11, 2022, from
Worrall, N. (1973). Meyerhold’s Production of “The Magnificent Cuckold”. The Drama Review: TDR, 17(1), Russian Issue, 14-34.
Yılmaz, M. (2006). Modernizmden Postmodernizme Sanat. 1. Baskı. 127 Sanat Dizisi. Ütopya Yayınevi.
Zečević, M. (2017). Installation: Between the Artistic and Architectural Project. AM Journal, (12), 55-70.